The new official letterhead
Heh, the other day Eleanor pointed out the similarity between certain scenes in her “Beast Mother” comic, and the most recent “Set to Sea” panels. We got a sort of nervous chuckle out of this, and then Eleanor made up this “business card.” I’m thinking we should use it as our official logo, because it totally sends the right message about our comics.

For the record, I’ve had my “injury to eye” scene planned since at least panel 10 or so, so fie to your accusations, Eleanor!
In less destructive and more creative news, our friends Mary Jessica and Robert are the proud owners of a brand new, factory fresh baby, who they’ve named Tommy. I’ve yet to see him in person, but I’ve seen the photos, and he’s a baby to be reckoned with! I hope they are carefully monitoring him for any manifestations of superpowers. Best wishes to all three.
I don’t know how appropriate it is to juxtapose newborn babies and injuries to eyes, but oh well.
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