Countdown to the new book!
The Dreaded Book Delay
I was worried this might happen, and indeed it did! Due to the various 2021 factors the supply chain that brings in books printed overseas is getting backed up, and all sorts of books are getting delayed this fall and winter. I was hoping that we might get lucky with “The Tangled Web” but I just got the email – volume 3 is getting pushed back to December 7th this year. So, missing Halloween, sadly – but in time for the holidays, at least! So please go ahead and get your orders in! We’ll just have to make this a very spooky December!
I finally sent out a newsletter!
I’ve had that little sign-up form over in the sidebar for ages, but I finally resolved to start sending out a regular newsletter. It’s a mix of Margo news and life news from yours truly. I’m going to try to do one a month, so it shouldn’t burden your struggling inbox too much – If you’re interested, you can read the first one here, or sign up!