I’m going to only write in bullet points from now on.
• I’ve almost filled up a sketchbook! Man, I’ve been working on this one since I was in college. Did I mention I’m really bad with sketchbooks? Anyway, I’ve been doing tons of life drawing recently, so it’s been filling up quick. I feel pretty bad about not doing more fun, creative sketches like Eleanor, but I can barely bring myself to draw in sketchbooks at all for some reason. Here’s some sketches I did at an old-timey music last weekend.

• Hey high school Drew, fuck you for not listening to country music. Back in high school, I would brag about my eclecticism by saying I’d listen to any genre of music… except country, of course. To ho ho. Well, I was an idiot back then. We’ve been listening to so much country radio recently. On a related note:
• Fuck anybody who dismisses “the south” as an entire entity. Whoops, you’re a bigot!
• Most terrifying Christmas song I’ve ever heard: “Ding-a-Ling, the Christmas Bell” by Lynn Anderson.
This song is supposed to be about an anthopomorphized bell that rings off-key and is mocked by all of the other bells, with requisite Rudolph-style day-saving at the end. But there’s this repeated refrain of “Ding a Ling’s” chime, and it’s in this weird minor key that sounds almost exactly like the theme from “Halloween.” I think you can listen to it here, if you’re curious.
• We saw almost every single cartoonist in North Georgia at a pretty cool art show the other day. Did we bother to get off our asses and submit something to the show? No. No we did not.
• Best two mincomics we’ve gotten in the mail this week: Dregs by Coleman Engle, Hey Four-Eyes #2 by Robyn Chapman et al. WOW!
Hey, does anybody who’s versed in Macs and iTunes know if it’s possible to throw a bunch of music onto a DVD and delete it off your computer, but somehow let iTunes know that the music is going to be on that DVD from now on? Quickly and easily?
I have enjoyed your comics since the beginning of forever. However, about that whole iTunes thing, I do not believe there is a way to set it up so that your DVD will act like a new drive.
But if you just burn it all to a DVD as a data disc you can just listen to it any ol’ time. At least that’s the way it works with my Winamp.
Or I recommend buying a new hard-drive and just plugging it in. It’s cheap, easy, and only a little nervewracking like when you forget to set the master/slave drives and such.
I love your comics and illustrations. You’ve got a great style and sense of color — really conveys the mood. Thank you.
On the iTunes thing:
Yeah, actually you can do that, provided you can read and write data DVD’s on your machine, and if you don’t mind the DVD spinning while you play the music. As wei said, just burn it to a data disc. If you’re doing it from within iTunes, make a playlist containing the music you want to put on the DVD. You should set the preferences to burn a data cd or dvd (under Preferences->Advanced->Burning).
Burn the DVD. Once you’ve got them on DVD, you can remove the originals from the iTunes library. The DVD should show up in the ‘source pane’ of itunes, under ‘Devices’, and you can play the music right off the DVD. As I said though, the DVD is spinning the whole time, which can be noisy.
A while back I put all my music on an external firewire drive. It’s occasionally inconvienient, but I regained some 60GB of space on my laptop.
Man! I never hear about stuff like that show until AFTER they happen. Grr!
How do you guys hear about this stuff? Is there any sort of consolidated Georgia cartoonist news bureau?