Been away for a while…
Lessee, what have I been up to?
The first week of July, Eleanor and I headed up to my folks’ house in Virginia, where I subjected to her to my various nostalgia trips. I made her see a play at the outdoor theater that I worked at for a summer. I forced her to eat lunch at the restaurant where I waited tables for a year and a half. Plus the obligatory amount of sightseeing, hiking in the woods, and visiting of sites of childhood importance. But I think mostly we lounged about the house. I actually brought bristol board, pencils, ink and brushes, thinking that I might actually get some work done. I don’t know why I bother. I’ve never once been able to do any work while visiting home.
I got back a couple days after my friend Erik had arrived in town for a visit. So I spent the next week or so puttering about town with him and Antar and Eleanor, doing nothing much of anything – besides completely ruining our sleep schedules. We went bowling one evening, where Erik thoroughly cleaned up. Of course, the score isn’t the point. The point is the style of your approach. Erik went with his classic, the devastating “Fastpitch Softball” technique, until the manager came over and made him stop. Antar’s “Stalking Housecat” proved powerful but unreliable. Eleanor used her tried-and-true “Spaghetti Noodle” release. I drew admiration with my classy “Marriage Proposal” approach, until a bruised-up left knee forced me into a “Modified Spider-man.” Other highlights of Erik’s visit included about half a dozen trips to various all-night diners. Much coffee was consumed, and at least one sunrise observed.
Since Erik left, I’ve taken my car in to the shop, gone grocery shopping, and scrupulously avoided drawing any comics.
Also, Eleanor harried me into finally getting one of those “Night Guard” things that people use when they grind their teeth in their sleep. Apparently I don’t actually grind my teeth – it’s more of a “gnashing.” I don’t know how I picked up this habit, but Eleanor and my local dentist concur. So now I have to wear this rubbery thing in my mouth every night while I sleep. For the REST OF MY LIFE, I guess.
It’s good to have you back, bro. Glad to hear that things have been cool…apart from the weird night guard thing…”Night Guard” kinda sounds like an early Image Batman-clone. Of course, he’d have no cape. And you’d have a complete run sealed in acid-free plasitc, you weirdo.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing some comics or drawings or whatever. Holla.
Let us not forget the the countless hours of watching “Dead Like Me”… I couldn’t pull them up from it man… and the ten car pile up…. and sluaghter that happened on both Trivial Pursuit games…. Overall, an interesting week or so…good to be there and good to be back in AZ for the remainder of the everlasting education I have…
Holy crap, you guys watched Dead Like Me? Me and Sonrisa went through the dvds last week, too! Insanity. That show’s pretty cool.
Drew –
I’m s’posta wear one of those night guard things too. What I do is referred to by the dentist as “bruxing”. I have yet to get one. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but the tops of all my teeht are perfectly flat from having the enamel ground away for so many years.
I miss you guys. Come visit.
I probably should have gotten one of those night guards a long time ago. The way it is now, I’ve ground my canines flat.
I just got done with a marathon reading of your journal comic at work. It makes me laugh alot which is bad while I’m on the phone.
I’m actualy from VA as well and seeing that Country Cookin’ website almost made water come out of my nose. Everyone should be secret shoppers for them sometime.
“Night Guard” is actually “Cat-Cats” only confidant and the one person who knows his alternate identity as the mild mannered “Cat”. Hopefully, that will clear up any confusion.
I was trying to post this message and I accidently created my own blog. I posted your website on it but otherwise it’s soul purpose was to post this message.
Let the good times roll.