2011 was an exciting year in many ways (we bought a house!) but it wasn’t good for my productivity. Let’s get 2012 off to a better start!

Did you know that a French edition of Set to Sea came out? The French title is “En Mer,” out now from Editions Ca et La. I did all the new lettering and sound effects, so it should be a pretty good translation.

My lovely French publishers are flying me out to the Angouleme festival this year! I’ll be signing books both there and at several bookstores in Paris and elsewhere. I’m pretty thrilled – more details to come. I’ll also be signing this limited-edition print at Paris art shop Sergeant Paper.

It’s quite large, over 27 inches tall. The beasties are labelled in Latin, and most were culled from 16th century natural histories (Conrad Gesner, Ambroise Pare). It’s very immature to chuckle over such imaginative conceptions as the “sea monk” or the “marine pig,” let’s have some historical perspective about these things.