A boomerang!
on February 24, 2005
Wow! The wonders of the Internets never cease:
I found this pretty intriguing on its own, in a paperrad sort of way.
But I was truly surprised to find a special cameo a little past the halfway point.
A boomerang! I’m saved!
I collaborated with him on a comic jam, the panels of which are on that page. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it all, though.
The cylinder mesh things are really neat.
Who is this person responsible for the spiral of madness that nearly caused my browser to crash and then subsequently caused my mind to temporarily invert upon itself?!!
Brilliant, brilliant stuff. The ones with drew are the best.
…I don’t get it…
…or is there anything for me to actually get…?
Need sun glasses if you want to have a peek.